What Do You Think Your Role Is?


One of the most important things I learnt during my internship with Intel Company is that to develop our societies and the world, we should unable all people reap the full benefits of the knowledge economy. At that time I didn’t know how this can be achieved until I started studying Entrepreneurship and social-entrepreneurship at Kelly School of Business, Indiana University, USA. There, I remember one of my professors of Business Ethics telling us: Nowadays, no entrepreneur can succeed without having this attitude of waking up every morning and asking what’s in my business for the people.

It’s undeniable that social-entrepreneurship and innovation are changing the world now better than any former kind of business simply because social-entrepreneurs don’t only sympathize but innovate to get people involved in this process of change, self and community empowerment. To talk about the role of national, regional and international institutions in stimulating innovation in social entrepreneurship we should first define what these institutions are.  For me, they are individual innovators, businesses, academia, organizations and governments. In fact, it’s high time these agents begun to collaborate in new ways for inclusive innovations to enrich people lives. Communities thrive in a sustainable way only if innovation expands the circle of options for social-enterprises to better solve problems and here comes the role of schools and universities to teach students and prepare them to bring about change via new approaches driving access, new thinking and new skills to inspire disruption. It’s doable through enriching their curricular, updating them, and creating the suitable environment to do so.

Development is about propelling powerful economies as well as promoting strong societies. In other words, empowering innovative social enterprises and help creating more and more of them which is actually the role of both government and businesses. They should reduce barriers to social change and foster market-creating innovation. If this happens, it will for sure have a profound effect on the efficiency of social-entrepreneurial practices by shifting to a mature step of impacting the world while investing in our generation and fuelling our passion to make of the earth a better place to live.

In order to improve the quality of social entrepreneurship, democratizing innovation is a terrific way to give more space for innovators to bring out what they have to the planet. Organizations play a key role in making people connect to their potential as creators of new solutions to the whipping social issues. By advocating for the necessity of having a social part in every business and creating more social innovators, organizations are simply creating a ripple effect, widely expanding opportunities to larger scope of people and nations allowing innovation to evolve any action.

To realize all that and make sure to stimulate innovation in social entrepreneurship, a strong commitment of all the stated partners is required along their innovation and learning transformation work. The fusion of the civil society, academic institutions, business and states leads to creating a better world.

About ALGERIANeuse

I'm a new blogger, freedom traveler, human rights activist and women rights advocate. I'm a social entrepreneur and activist. I'm affiliated with so many associations, NGOs, foundations and movements ranging between women rights, education, peace ans security, global citizenship, entrepreneurship, religious dialogue....etc. I travel so often, like twice every month. I had been to Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, UAE, USA, France, Spain, Jordan (this one became like a second home to me :D ) South Korea, Mali, Azerbaidjan...ETC. I will do more soon :D . Currently, I'm an LLM Human Rights Scholars at the University of Reading, UK. This blog will be my space where to share my thoughts, concerns and communicate them to YOU PEOPLE. I will be talking about everything.
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